“Are you unknowingly at risk of Cervical Cancer? यह क्या है, जानें कारण, लक्षण और इलाज 

cervical cancer

Cervical cancer develops in the cervix. This cancer is usually caused by a virus called HPV, which can be caused by sexual contact. Generally, there are no visible symptoms due to which it is not detected on time. If it is not treated on time then it becomes fatal. Therefore, every woman should pay attention … Read more

HIV Care 2024-Empowering Change: Pharmacists at the Forefront of Revolutionizing and Enhancing


How to do HIV Care 2024. In this day and age, where data assumes a critical part in making mindfulness, it’s important to dive into subjects that influence worldwide wellbeing. Human Immunodeficiency Infection (HIV) stays a critical concern, influencing a huge number of individuals around the world. Understanding HIV HIV is an infection that goes … Read more

City Of Dreams, City Of Coughs! ये क्या हुआ MUMBAI 2024 का हाल?


In city of dreams (MUMBAI) breathing easy is a task! Mumbai pollution 2024 Residents have complained of a rise in respiratory infections and illnesses, while doctors advise children and the elderly to avoid going out. With structures and tourist spots a couple hundred meters away delivered imperceptible, are all over online entertainment. Occupants from different … Read more